By: Emma Zhang
Skating is great, educational, and fun! My skating experience was great because I had to trust my heart and… I did! I struggled big time when I first started skating. First, I had to learn how to get up when I fell. I had to learn this for almost every sport I tried; it isn't as easy as it looks!
When I first started, I was really nervous, but I found out it was normal. Skating is also EMBARASSING. Why? It's embarrassing to FALL. My mom says I have to FALL if I want to LEARN. I think she's right.
Recently, I was able to take part in a skating show; it was AWESOME! We got to wear beautiful costumes and I got to be with my friend Nicole. Skating is very fun when you get used to it. Now I am in level six, the last level of the CanSkate program! At this level I have to work even harder because I am beginning to face new challenges. I like skating because it makes me feel confident and proud of myself. I think it is interactive and fun. When I think of skating, I think of fun! How about you? Are you ready to try skating?
Hi! My name is Emma. I was born in the year 2005. I like art, skiing, drama, bears, dogs, Prince Edward Island traveling and Voice K! I love playing little tricks on my family. I am also a nerd and I love my computer. I am a fan of nature because I like camping in the wild. When I grow up, I would love to be an actress. I was inspired by “Annie”, a live musical show. Sometimes, I may use big words like moonshine (nonsense,) cataclysmic (mega jumbo,) pondered (thinking) and more. Well, that’s all you need to know about me! |