How are you doing? I am not going to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want to ask you some questions about your life and your present system.
I’d love to know about your elf and toy system. Is it true, like a lot of people say, that you have elves making toys for you? If there are elves working for you, are you sure they actually are elves, because I think you have mistaken them with a lot of unusually short people! Elves are mythical creatures, so maybe it’s just a name for them. I hope so!
Does anyone know about your true identity, other than your wife and your workers? I am actually really curious about your age, not trying to be rude or anything. Books say that your present-giving and popularity must have started around a century ago! Hardly anyone could live that long! Do you have any sort of power that keeps you alive? If you do, that’s amazing!
What do you do during the rest of the year? If you have kids, do you send them to school? What do you do during the summer? Do you go ice fishing? Do you supervise the toy-making process all year long? Do you leave home and pretend to be a normal man with a job by using a disguise? You once told me you watch the Cherry Gumball Hockey Games, and that they are cool. I’d like to know where they are so I can see them too! You can’t watch them all the time, though, can you?
This is all I really want to ask you, and please answer all of my questions properly, especially the address of where you can find the Cherry Gumball Hockey Games!
Yours truly,
Michelle Zhou

My name is Sunni Zhou and I am 11 years old. I am so
excited for Christmas because you get to come to my house and give me presents! But that’s not the only reason; I also get to spread Christmas joy to everyone!
I have been thinking about what I want for this year’s Christmas (2013) since last year because I was so happy to get so many great presents such as littlest pet shops, stationery, and a white board for me to keep track of my schedules at school. Everyone grows more mature every year, which means that this year, I don’t want toys as much. But that’s ok, because I’ve found some other hobbies I truly love: reading, singing, and cooking.
It would really be wonderful if I could get the “Lord of the Rings” series and the “Harry Potter” series for a reading update. I read “Twilight” but the message isn’t really clear. I mean, why would a girl give up everything just for a monster boy?
I have sung for almost all my life now. I never thought there could be something related to singing for a gift, but a while ago I was doing some research and found out that there is a singing machine and karaoke system with disco lights. The picture on
Wal-Mart’s website looked really fantastic. It would also be nice if I could get that.
I love eating and my parents and grandparents make the best food ever. But, I eat it every day so I get sick of it, which led me to commit to the responsibility of cooking my own food, but that didn’t really turn out well. I am not allowed to use the pan or
stove; in fact I’m not even allowed to go near it. That’s why I can’t really cook, but I did some magazine reading and there was an advertisement that was promoting an easy bake ultimate oven. It said it will teach you how to bake cookies and cakes. I
thought to myself, well now I’ll be able to finally cook for myself if only Santa would get it for me. I know that Christmas isn’t really about presents or free toys; it’s about the holiday spirit, and I know I definitely won’t get everything I want. I think many kids these days who don’t believe in you and holiday legends are crazy, because if they
don’t, all that does is ruin the holiday spirit. There’s really nothing good about NOT believing. Nobody can ever tell me whether I should believe in you or not because I know you’re always in my heart.
Hello. My name is Michelle. I am currently in grade four. I go to Silver Stream Public School. I enjoy reading comics and writing short stories from the top of my brain. I have an identical twin sister named Amelie. I like doodling, skiing, making myself dizzy, and doing handstands under the water. I like experimenting with computers, but I get into trouble. The only successful pets I have now are two nine-year-old fish without names. If you were to put me into one of the categories, Girl or Tomboy, I have one half here, and one half there. I will do almost ANYTHING possible to continue sleeping in most cases. That is all you need to know about me. |
Hello, my name is Sunni Zhou! I'm 11 years old and I'm in grade six. I go to Tomken Middle School. I really like singing, dancing, cooking, travelling, and everything related to art. A very special thing about me is that I am a journalist and I do lots of thinking, writing, exploring new places, meeting new people, and learning new things. If you love having fun, exploring, writing, and learning, come to Voice K! I wish I could say more wonderful things about myself and Voice K but I really need to go. BYE! |