What is Voice K? A Machine for Smart Kids
We help children to:
Think criticallyIn our program, we teach children to research and ask the right questions. Research shows that children who can ask the right questions are better thinkers. In fact, the world’s leading innovators, inventors, business entrepreneurs, and creative minds all seem to be exceptionally good at asking questions. The children in our programs are constantly thinking the right questions to get the right answers.
Build NetworkWe all heard that your personal net worth is your network. One important thing the kids learn in the Voice K program is how to connect with the people they want to talk to and to believe that they can achieve anything they set their mind to. If a student in the program tells us that he/she is a fan of a certain writer, actor, or scientist, we will do all we can to try to connect them with their heros.
Build LeadershipVoice K encourage teamwork and train emerging leaders. Our new members learn from more experienced members. We also provide systematic training for kids to learn to lead with confidence. On a larger scale, we also help our members to be influential leaders that facilitate change–making the world a better place.