The famous Broadway show is about a little, orphan girl named Annie and her adventure after her attempt to escape the Orphanage and look for her parents. She gets lost in the city which is pretty spooky, but she survives because she believes that “The Sun will come out, Tomorrow.”
The show is very interesting and funny to watch. This is my first time at a musical, so I was very excited. Once the show is on, you keep wondering what’s going to happen next. Some of the main characters to name are: Annie, Miss Hannigan, and Mr. Warbucks.

Voice K: What was the most difficult part to act?
Louise: It was a little hard being mean in the play. In one part of the show, I had to step on a doll! I am glad you met me before the show, so you know that I am nice.
Voice K: Why did you want to be on the Annie show?
Louise: Because three years ago, I worked in the play “Frog and Toad” as the Toad and the audiences wanted me to come back. My husband also works in the show and it is nice to perform together.
Voice K : What was your favorite part of performing?
Louise: Dancing and singing is my favorite part of performing.
Voice K: When was the easiest part of performing?
Louise: The easiest part is when I know what I have to do.
Voice K: What inspired you to be an actress?
Louise: I watched the live musical show “Sound of Music” when I was little. It inspired me to be an actress.
Voice K: What do you think the Annie story is all about?
Louise: I think the story is all about people being loved.
Voice K: Was performing difficult for you at the beginning?
Louise: Yes, and it still is because I have to take care of my voice, especially if I have performances every day of the week.

“Our favorite part of the show is when Annie was singing ‘Tomorrow’ and when Sandy came.” The girls said. They both enjoyed the show and thought it was very funny. When I asked them what they would do if they end up in Annie’s situation, Charley said she would run away if she was in an orphanage like Annie’s, and Jadyn said she would try to find a nice family to stay with.

Voice K: What was the easiest part in the show to act?
Jenny: When Annie had to stand up for herself. I really enjoyed that.
Voice K: What was the hardest part to act?
Jenny: The hardest part to act was to tell Mr. Warbucks that she wants to find her own parents, because even if she hurt him she had to tell him the truth because that is what she believed in.
Voice K: What got you into acting?
Jenny: I have an older sister named Tamara which would sing, dance, and when we were young, we put on little shows all the time. So, Tamara gave me the love for acting.
I didn’t get to meet YPT’s artistic director, Allen Macinnis, but these answers from him through email give us more behind the stage stories.
Voice K: What inspired you to bring this story to the stage?
Allen: I have always liked the musical Annie, which I first came to know when I was helping out backstage on a production that toured through Vancouver. This was when I was in theatre school. I really liked the story. So I was inspired to include Annie in this year’s plays at YPT, because all of our plays in 2013-2014 look at children figuring things out for themselves, like Annie.
Voice K: What do you think is the message in the story?
Allen: Be positive because there is always a way to solve any problem.
Voice K: How long did it take to complete this musical?
Allen: We rehearsed for three weeks but we also worked on planning the show and building sets and costumes for six months beforehand.
Voice K: What is your favorite part of this musical?
Allen: I really like when Annie sings Tomorrow to Sandy.
Voice K: When did you first get inspired to work in performing arts?
Allen: I took a drama course in my first year of university and I got hooked!
I like YPT because they could throw in gales of excitement and make the musicals pretty interesting!