By Emma Dennis (Age 14)

The air feels as if it’s been knocked out of my lungs ever since I first saw Captain Ky face to face for who he really is: my brother, Samuel, who I thought I lost long ago. The silence is deafening, except for the quiet sounds of the ocean that have become white noise, no one says a word and that’s unusual for such a rambunctious bunch. The world seems to be happening in slow motion. Everything’s a blur.
Slowly but surely, the real world resumes and Christopher, my best friend for as long as I can remember, seems to begin to understand what I said. He looks as if his eyes might fall out of his head. “What do you mean he’s your brother?” I can only shrug in response. I don’t know what to say.
“You’re...” he stammers. “And you’re...” He looks back from Samuel to me, pure shock and astonishment in his expression. After a moment, he puts his hands to his forehead.
“This is ridiculous.” Looking at Chris, I furrow my brows. His shock I understand, because I was just as surprised, but he seems more angry than confused.
The lines etched across his forehead indicate his discontent. I don’t need to ask him to know that something’s wrong. “Chris, we need Samuel’s help to find Daniel. He is our only link,” I say with a stern face.
“He’s a pirate! He’s the reason my father is mis-”
“Finding Daniel is our priority right now.” I cut him off before he can finish the sentence. I initially tried to keep my voice calm, thinking I could reason with Christopher, but as I spoke, my voice raised. Chris’ jaw is set and much like his opinion, it isn’t changing. As I grow angrier with him, I hear the rumbling of storm clouds in the distance. I think I might be imagining them in my rage, but the cracking of lightning assures my suspicions. The grey sky rolls in just as my own storm clouds gather in my eyes.
“Are you ever going to trust anyone? Or are you just going to be juvenile and stubborn for the rest of your life?”
Slowly but surely, the real world resumes and Christopher, my best friend for as long as I can remember, seems to begin to understand what I said. He looks as if his eyes might fall out of his head. “What do you mean he’s your brother?” I can only shrug in response. I don’t know what to say.
“You’re...” he stammers. “And you’re...” He looks back from Samuel to me, pure shock and astonishment in his expression. After a moment, he puts his hands to his forehead.
“This is ridiculous.” Looking at Chris, I furrow my brows. His shock I understand, because I was just as surprised, but he seems more angry than confused.
The lines etched across his forehead indicate his discontent. I don’t need to ask him to know that something’s wrong. “Chris, we need Samuel’s help to find Daniel. He is our only link,” I say with a stern face.
“He’s a pirate! He’s the reason my father is mis-”
“Finding Daniel is our priority right now.” I cut him off before he can finish the sentence. I initially tried to keep my voice calm, thinking I could reason with Christopher, but as I spoke, my voice raised. Chris’ jaw is set and much like his opinion, it isn’t changing. As I grow angrier with him, I hear the rumbling of storm clouds in the distance. I think I might be imagining them in my rage, but the cracking of lightning assures my suspicions. The grey sky rolls in just as my own storm clouds gather in my eyes.
“Are you ever going to trust anyone? Or are you just going to be juvenile and stubborn for the rest of your life?”

His facial expression stoic, Christopher’s lips purse. After a few moments, his face eases. “Okay, what should we do now?”
“According to my source, he was last seen at meeting another shipment,” Captain Ky says in a calm voice as he points to the island on his map with burned edges.
The raindrops sound like a million little marbles hitting the deck above, falling from that dust-coloured sky. That is the only noise for a while. I begin to wonder if Chris is going to say anything at all. Knowing Chris, he’s always got something to say. He always has to have the last word.
“We are only working together until we fi nd my father,” Christopher says with a harsh voice. “And then, I want you to be out of our lives.”
Then, we set to sail. Through the entire trip, Chris remained silent and reserved, only talking with me at dinner time. He did a lot of reminiscing, but I know it’s more than that. His real fear is, “what if my father is not who I think he was.” The thought haunts him like mosquitoes in the summer nights.
Samuel and I spent our time recalling childhood memories: the games we played, the silly jokes we shared and how our parents used to sing to us under the palm trees. At those moments, the young man
sitting beside me was never the dreadful pirate, Captain Ky. He was my dear brother, Samuel.
After a couple days of travel, we finally reached our destination – Easter Island. A dark smoke comes from the island and tall trees cover our sights from having a clear view of the shore. Its rocky shores struck fear into the boldest navigators because it could send any ship to the bottom if it broke through the ship’s haul. After we dock as close to the shore as we can, we hear a big explosion. That is our first big giveaway that there are people on this island. Now, it is time to explore.
Samuel gathers some of his men and weapons and we follow them on to the land. The sandy beach leads us to a dark and menacing jungle where we see a few exotic animals and plenty of vegetation.
As we travel further into the jungle, we see a lot of craters and fi ssures in the land. This is obviously left by the explosions. As we approach the rocky side of the island, we hear voices. We stand behind a few large rocks and observe the people that are on the island. Slaves are carrying huge sacks as men with guns shout orders. Daniel stands among the crowd of people giving instructions in his fine, expensive attire. I suddenly
know - he is their leader.
“According to my source, he was last seen at meeting another shipment,” Captain Ky says in a calm voice as he points to the island on his map with burned edges.
The raindrops sound like a million little marbles hitting the deck above, falling from that dust-coloured sky. That is the only noise for a while. I begin to wonder if Chris is going to say anything at all. Knowing Chris, he’s always got something to say. He always has to have the last word.
“We are only working together until we fi nd my father,” Christopher says with a harsh voice. “And then, I want you to be out of our lives.”
Then, we set to sail. Through the entire trip, Chris remained silent and reserved, only talking with me at dinner time. He did a lot of reminiscing, but I know it’s more than that. His real fear is, “what if my father is not who I think he was.” The thought haunts him like mosquitoes in the summer nights.
Samuel and I spent our time recalling childhood memories: the games we played, the silly jokes we shared and how our parents used to sing to us under the palm trees. At those moments, the young man
sitting beside me was never the dreadful pirate, Captain Ky. He was my dear brother, Samuel.
After a couple days of travel, we finally reached our destination – Easter Island. A dark smoke comes from the island and tall trees cover our sights from having a clear view of the shore. Its rocky shores struck fear into the boldest navigators because it could send any ship to the bottom if it broke through the ship’s haul. After we dock as close to the shore as we can, we hear a big explosion. That is our first big giveaway that there are people on this island. Now, it is time to explore.
Samuel gathers some of his men and weapons and we follow them on to the land. The sandy beach leads us to a dark and menacing jungle where we see a few exotic animals and plenty of vegetation.
As we travel further into the jungle, we see a lot of craters and fi ssures in the land. This is obviously left by the explosions. As we approach the rocky side of the island, we hear voices. We stand behind a few large rocks and observe the people that are on the island. Slaves are carrying huge sacks as men with guns shout orders. Daniel stands among the crowd of people giving instructions in his fine, expensive attire. I suddenly
know - he is their leader.
Learning Toolbox
New words (Level: Grade 5 - Grade 7)
Astonishment (as·ton·ish·ment)
Example: He looks back from Samuel to me, pure shock and astonishment in his
noun – 1. overpowering wonder or surprise; amazement.
2. an object or cause of amazement.
Juvenile (ju·ve·nile)
Example: Or are you just going to be juvenile and stubborn for the rest of your life?
adjective – 1. of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or suitable or intended for young persons: juvenile books.
2. young; youthful: juvenile years. 3. immature; childish; infantile: His juvenile tantrums are not in keeping with
his age.
Astonishment (as·ton·ish·ment)
Example: He looks back from Samuel to me, pure shock and astonishment in his
noun – 1. overpowering wonder or surprise; amazement.
2. an object or cause of amazement.
Juvenile (ju·ve·nile)
Example: Or are you just going to be juvenile and stubborn for the rest of your life?
adjective – 1. of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or suitable or intended for young persons: juvenile books.
2. young; youthful: juvenile years. 3. immature; childish; infantile: His juvenile tantrums are not in keeping with
his age.
Literary Device:
Pathetic fallacy - As I grow angrier with him, I hear the rumbling of storm clouds in the distance.
Sometimes referred to as “personal forecast,” it is a literary term for the attributing of human emotion and
conduct to all aspects within nature. Pathetic fallacy is when an aspect of nature is used in literature to further
convey an emotion.
Try this on your own:
Connect the two words given and create a pathetic fallacy
Example: Happy / Rainbow
The colourful rainbow shines in the sky as my friends and I
finished our fundraising goal at our tiny lemon stand.
• Nervous / Dark clouds
• Sad / Rain
• Angry / Earthquake
Questions for the reader:
Why do you think Chris was not willing to cooperate with
Captain Ky?
Why did Chris remain silent during the trip?
How do you imagine Easter Island?
What do you think Chris will do when he meets with his
father, Daniel?
What do you think happens next?
Pathetic fallacy - As I grow angrier with him, I hear the rumbling of storm clouds in the distance.
Sometimes referred to as “personal forecast,” it is a literary term for the attributing of human emotion and
conduct to all aspects within nature. Pathetic fallacy is when an aspect of nature is used in literature to further
convey an emotion.
Try this on your own:
Connect the two words given and create a pathetic fallacy
Example: Happy / Rainbow
The colourful rainbow shines in the sky as my friends and I
finished our fundraising goal at our tiny lemon stand.
• Nervous / Dark clouds
• Sad / Rain
• Angry / Earthquake
Questions for the reader:
Why do you think Chris was not willing to cooperate with
Captain Ky?
Why did Chris remain silent during the trip?
How do you imagine Easter Island?
What do you think Chris will do when he meets with his
father, Daniel?
What do you think happens next?