How have you been? Summer is almost over, a new semester at school begins soon. Voice K has been very busy getting everyone's articles ready for publishing. The issue production time (from Aug 15 to Aug 31) is the busiest time for Voice K. As our next issue Fall 2013 will be published in September, we have lots to plan.
During this time, we are making sure all the articles are being finished editing and send off to the designer and illustrators. Our editorial team is also busy looking for new ideas for you for next issues.
Recently, a lot of parents has been asking me about how to maximize member benefits, so we have decided to host a Voice K Parents' Meeting
Date: September 8, 2 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Mississauga office, 3558 Erindale Station Road, Mississauga, ON
We will cover the following topics:
1. How does Voice K magazine work? Who's involved and how do we create our magazines?
2. Exactly what do you get as journalist member of Voice K
3. How should parents help to maximize benefits for your child?
4. How to help children be prepared at events and get better at writing?
5. Voice K's next step and directions.
I would like to have as many member parents here as possible. This is an essential meeting for all the parents. Please reply through email regarding to whether you will be able attend.
If you have any questions, please call (905) 896 7600
Voice K 2013 小记者会员说明会
愉快的暑假即将结束,Voice K也进入紧张繁忙的秋季杂志出版筹划期,我们有许多计划在运行中。在此期间,需要得到大家的积极配合,保证所有的文章按时交到编辑和美工人员手中,不延误出版日期。
时间:九月八日 下午 2:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.
地点:3558 Erindale Station Rd. Mississauga, ON.
内容:1. Voice K杂志社是如何工作的?
2. 我们的活动是如何运行的?
3. 家长应该怎样帮助孩子准备采访,获得最大收获?
4. Voice K 下一步的发展方向。
请您务必回函,通知我们您是否能够参加。我们的email是 [email protected]
如有问题,请联系 (905)896 7600