I remember the time when my mom and I had a fight about something really small like who said the correct answer to a question. I was very sad, but I learned that nobody’s perfect, and we all learn from mistakes. We never apologized to each other, but we know everything is alright between us. This is why we celebrate Mother’s Day─ to tell your mom that you appreciate everything they have done for. As a kid, we don’t have a lot of money to buy expensive gifts or take our parents to trips, but here are some ideas that might work:
3. Buy small gifts. This will not cost a lot. Buy something like hand sanitizers, and lotion, and make-up, earrings and other small things. I recommend buying things from Bath and Body Works because their fragrances are super good and they last longer than you think! At Bath and Body Works, you can create a package of a pair, and it’s cheap so what you can do is make a package, add a small card and you’re done. | 4.Buy a book. Buy a great book for your mother is a good idea. First, you need to know your mom’s “taste” in books. What does she like the most? Adventure, Fantasy, Beauty or Romance? Aside from buying the book, you also need to give her time to read. So I suggest you take up a couple chores during that day and give her time to read books and drink tea! |
This is super-simple and plus, it’s DIY (do-it-yourself) and you get to be creative! Make a necklace, a bracelet, an art canvas, rainbow loom, anything related to DIY. Your parents will absolutely love it because YOU made it and THEY love YOU.

This may costs a lot. Try to bring your parents somewhere that they always wanted to go, or somewhere they didn’t expect. I personally think that everything that you would end up paying under $40 will be fine. They will enjoy it a lot. I would not suggest a romantic restaurants because they always tends to be expensive!

You will be thinking “this is easy,”. Every flower has a language or meaning. I strongly recommend Primroses because they mean ‘I can’t live without you’ and also Daffodil is a good one because it means the sun is always shining when I’m with you. You can choose your own flowers by going on http://thelanguageofflowers.com/ because it gives you almost all flower meaning.

This is not common, but you know, all woman need to attend a spa, and want a spa, so they can relax instead of working hard at home. They will experience a trip of a lifetime, and enjoy relaxation.
9. Make breakfast in bed My family does this every Mother’s day. My dad and I wake super early and we make toast, eggs, fruits and milk. We bring it upstairs and we wake her up and wish her a happy Mother’s day. I suggest picking her favourite food and fruit to surprise her. Think of what to say, to surprise her, but don’t scare her, that might ruin her day | 10. Give them hugs and kisses Yes. I mean it. This costs lots of love. We need to understand how love is important to us and the world. Our life is not to give presents on special days, it’s to give love! So give them a hug or kiss, to show that presents are just extra, and love is always a gift. Thank your mom for giving you a life, letting you do the things you like, and mostly, showing love and care to you and your family. So be happy you are on land and tell your mom “I love you”. |