Divorce - " In the game of LIFE, if you land on divorce, it's a terrible thing. You lose a turn and lose all your money. Not a good thing." William (Age 13)
Cold Games - " Cold games are when you play in cold places like Antarctica." Leo (Age 8)
Minecraft - " I built this house that is enormous enormous. I wish I never did because I get lost in it all the time. There are so many times that I had to jump out of the window because I got lost in my own house." Edward (Age 9)
Right Fashion - " Right Fashion is when people walk on the right side of the hemisphere and dress up their right hand with stuff." Leo (Age 8)
Dull Books - " There are many books out their. Small books have less pages. Big books have more pages. There i books that are so dull that they make me regret that i can read. Their so long and dull !" Edward (Age 9)
Crazy Friends - " Crazy Friends are people, who walk around with tape on their hands. Have holes in their shoes. They are the people, who climb up a cliff instead of jumping off one." William (Age 13)